Using command-line options, we can set how often we want AIDA64 to create reports and specify the location of the data required for scheduling. The options on this page apply only for the command-line options /R, /E and /FTPUPLOAD.

Command-line options are limited to make report
This setting specifies the frequency of report creation:
- Anytime: AIDA64 creates a new report every time it is launched. In network audits, this means a new report is created at each user logon.
- Once a day: AIDA64 creates only one report per day, regardless of the number of launches. In network audits, a report is created only on the first user logon each day.
- Once a week: AIDA64 creates only one report per week.
- Once a fortnight: AIDA64 creates only one report every two weeks.
- Once a month: AIDA64 creates only one report per month.
Schedule tag storage
This option specifies the location where the last report creation date will be stored. We have to select the option that is best for our network audit requirements!
- Registry / Machine: Stores the date in a common (user-independent) location in the Windows Registry. Useful for per-computer reports.
- Registry / User: Stores the date in a user-specific location in the Windows Registry. Useful for per-user reports.
- C:\TAG-$HOSTNAME.sys: Stores the date in a hidden file named "C:\TAG-<computername>.SYS". Similar to "Registry / Machine" but does not modify the Registry.
- C:\TAG-$USERNAME.sys: Stores the date in a hidden file named "C:\TAG-<username>.SYS". Similar to "Registry / User" but does not modify the Registry.
- Custom file: Stores the date in a specified file using special control strings ($HOSTNAME and/or $USERNAME).
Available in the following products:
AIDA64 Extreme
AIDA64 Business
AIDA64 Engineer
AIDA64 Network Audit