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We can select those alert triggers here which we would like to use. Altogether, there are 14 different alert triggers available, of which 4 can be customized:

Preferences / Network Alerting / Alert Triggers


  • When virus database is older than: here we can specify the number of days
  • When system drive free space is below: here we can specify the percentage
  • When any local drive free space is below: here we can specify the percentage
  • When disk temperature is above: here we can specify the degrees
  • Software installation/uninstallation
  • Service installation/uninstallation
  • “Auto start” list change
  • Network shares change
  • PCI devices list change
  • USB devices list change
  • SMART predicted hard disk failure
  • System memory size change
  • Computer name change
  • Winlogon Shell change
Available in the following products:
AIDA64 Business
AIDA64 Network Audit

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