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AIDA64 can display hardware monitoring data on various LCD-equipped devices from multiple manufacturers.

Enable LCD support

This option can be used to enable the Hardware Monitoring LCD feature for a particular LCD device.

LCD background color

This option configures the background color of the LCD.  Background color can only be configured for graphical LCD displays (e.g. Logitech G19 Gaming Keyboard).

Supported manufacturers and devices

  • 4D Systems / Abacom (ExpertProfi) / Acer / Adafruit / AlphaCool / AquaComputer / Art.Lebedev / Asus / AX206 / BeadaPanel / BitFenix / BWCT / CH424 / Crystalfontz / ct-Mäusekino / Cwlinux / Dangerous Prototypes / Digital Devices / EastRising / Elgato / ELV / EVGA / Futaba / GLCD2USB / Gravitech / HP / IkaLogic / IRTrans / LCD2USB / LCDInfo / LCD Smartie Hardware / LCDsysinfo / Leo Bodnar / Logitech / LPT / Mad Catz / Matrix Orbital / Modding-FAQ / MSI / nMedia / Noteu / Odroid / Pertelian / Phidgets / picoLCD / POS / Pyramid / Razer / RoboPeak / Roccat / Saitek / Samsung / SDC / Shuttle / SmartCool / SoundGraph / SpikenzieLabs / SteelSeries / Sure Electronics / Trefon / Turing / UCSD / USB2LCD+ / VL System / VoCore / Wallbraun / Yoctopuce

For details on supported devices, check our LCD Guide (PDF).

Available in the following products:
AIDA64 Extreme
AIDA64 Business
AIDA64 Engineer

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