Each command-line to be used to create a report should include the following report creation option:
Save report to file
/R [reportfile]
This option can be used to create a report and save it to file. When no reportfile is specified, the report is written to the file configured on the page Preferences / Report / Report File. For configuration independency it is recommended to specify reportfile including full path name in the command-line. In network audit folder names should use UNC path instead of using a mapped network drive. Reports are automatically compressed if it is enabled on the page Preferences / Report. In reportfile the following special file control strings can be used:
- $HOSTNAME -- Inserts host name
- $USERNAME -- Inserts current user name
- $DOMAIN -- Inserts current logon domain
- $IPADDR -- Inserts primary network adapter IP address (aaa-bbb-ccc-ddd)
- $MACADDQ -- Inserts primary network adapter MAC address (AABBCCDDEEFF)
- $MACADDR -- Inserts primary network adapter MAC address (AA-BB-CC-DD-EE-FF)
- $UUIDMAC -- Inserts DMI System UUID. When not available, it inserts MAC address (00000000-00000000-0000AABB-CCDDEEFF)
- $MONTH -- Inserts current month (MM)
- $DATE -- Inserts current date (YYYY-MM-DD)
- $TIME -- Inserts current time (HH-MM-SS)
- $DMISYSPROD -- Inserts DMI system product
- $DMISYSSKU -- Inserts DMI system SKU number
- $DMISYSSN -- Inserts DMI system serial number
- $DMISYSVER -- Inserts DMI system version
- $DMIMBSN -- Inserts DMI motherboard serial number
Example: AIDA64 /R \\server\share\folder\$HOSTNAME /CSV /AUDIT /SILENT /SAFE
Sending report in e-mail
/E [address]
This option can be used to create a report and send it in e-mail. When no address is specified, the report is sent to the "To:" address configured on the page Preferences / E-mail. For configuration independency it is recommended to specify address in the command-line. Reports are automatically compressed if it is enabled on the page Preferences / Report.
Example: AIDA64 /E admin@company.com /CSV /AUDIT /SILENT /SAFE
/SUBJ <subject>
This option can be used with /E to specify the subject of the e-mail to be sent. In the subject it is possible to include special file control strings.
Example: AIDA64 /E admin@company.com /SUBJ "Report of $HOSTNAME" /CSV /AUDIT /SILENT /SAFE
Upload Reports to FTP
/FTPUPLOAD [reportfile]
This option can be used to create a report and upload it to a FTP server. When no reportfile is specified, the report is uploaded using the file name configured on the page Preferences / Report / Report File. For configuration independency it is recommended to specify reportfile in the command-line. Reports are automatically compressed if it is enabled on the page Preferences / Report. FTP connection parameters should be configured on the page Preferences / Report / FTP.