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Each command-line to be used to create a report should include one of the following report format options:



Using this option the reports will be created in the plain text format. For network audit purposes plain text format is in most cases not useful.



Using this option the reports will be created in HTML (HyperText Markup Language) format. Layout of HTML reports can be customized on the page Preferences / Report / Report Look. Although HTML reports are perfect to be printed or filed, they cannot be used by AIDA64 Audit Manager and Change Manager.



Using this option the reports will be created in MHTML (MIME HTML) format. MHTML reports are basically HTML reports with small icons included. MHTML reports can be opened with MS Internet Explorer 5 and later, and with Opera 9 and later; but they cannot be opened by other HTML browsers. Layout of MHTML reports can be customized on the page Preferences / Report / Report Look. Although MHTML reports are perfect to be printed or filed, they cannot be used by AIDA64 Audit Manager and Change Manager.



Using this option the reports will be created in XML (Extensible Markup Language) format. XML reports can be processed by 3rd party solutions, but they cannot be used by AIDA64 Audit Manager and Change Manager.



Using this option the reports will be created in CSV (Comma Separated Values) format. CSV reports can be used by AIDA64 Audit Manager and Change Manager, or can be processed by any other 3rd party solutions. Column separator character for CSV reports is fixed (comma), and cannot be configured to another character.



Using this option the reports will be created in MIF format. MIF reports can be used for MS SMS integration. MIF reports always include the same static information block, regardless of the specified report profile.



Using this option the reports will be created in INI format. INI reports can be used by scripting languages, but they cannot be used by AIDA64 Audit Manager and Change Manager.



Using this option the reports will be inserted to a SQL database. SQL connection parameters should be configured on the page Preferences / Database.

Available in the following products:
AIDA64 Business
AIDA64 Engineer
AIDA64 Network Audit

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