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The following command-line options can be used to automatize running benchmarks:

/ALLBENCH <filename>

This option can be used to run all memory, CPU and FPU benchmarks, and save the results into an XML file called filename.

/MEMBENCH <filename>

This option can be used to run all memory benchmarks (Memory Read, Memory Write, Memory Copy, Memory Latency), and save the results into an XML file called filename.

/CPUBENCH <filename>

This option can be used to run all CPU benchmarks (CPU Queen, CPU PhotoWorxx, CPU ZLib, CPU AES, CPU SHA3), and save the results into an XML file called filename.

/FPUBENCH <filename>

This option can be used to run all FPU benchmarks (FPU Julia, FPU Mandel, FPU SinJulia, FP32 Ray-Trace, FP64 Ray-Trace), and save the results into an XML file called filename.

/SELBENCH <benchmarks> <filename>

This option can be used to run a set of benchmarks, and save the results into an XML file called filename. To specify which benchmark(s) to enable, the name of benchmarks should be listed, separated by comma. In benchmarks the following benchmark names can be used:

  • MR = Memory Read
  • MW = Memory Write
  • MC = Memory Copy
  • ML = Memory Latency
  • CQ = CPU Queen
  • CPW = CPU PhotoWorxx
  • CZ = CPU ZLib
  • CA = CPU AES
  • CS3 = CPU SHA3
  • FJ = FPU Julia
  • FM = FPU Mandel
  • FSJ = FPU SinJulia
  • F3RT = FP32 RayTrace
  • F6RT = FP64 RayTrace

Example: AIDA64 /SELBENCH MR,CS3,FM c:\aida64\benchmarks.xml

/CMBENCH <filename>

This option can be used to automatically open the Cache & Memory Benchmark panel, run all benchmarks, and save the results into an XML file and/or a PNG screen shot file. When filename has an .XML extension specified, the results will be written into an XML file. When filename has a .PNG extension specified, a screen shot of the Cache & Memory Benchmark panel will be saved. When filename has no extension, both an XML file and a PNG screen shot file will be generated.

/GGBENCH <filename>

This option can be used to automatically open the GPGPU Benchmark panel, run all benchmarks, and save the results into an XML file and/or a PNG screen shot file. When filename has an .XML extension specified, the results will be written into an XML file. When filename has a .PNG extension specified, a screen shot of the GPGPU Benchmark panel will be saved. When filename has no extension, both an XML file and a PNG screen shot file will be generated.

/SELGGBENCH <benchmarks> <filename>

This option can be used to automatically open the GPGPU Benchmark panel, run a set of benchmarks, and save the results into an XML file and/or a PNG screen shot file. When filename has an .XML extension specified, the results will be written into an XML file. When filename has a .PNG extension specified, a screen shot of the GPGPU Benchmark panel will be saved. When filename has no extension, both an XML file and a PNG screen shot file will be generated. To specify which benchmark(s) to enable, the name of benchmarks should be listed, separated by comma. In benchmarks the following benchmark names can be used:

  • MR = Memory Read
  • MW = Memory Write
  • MC = Memory Copy
  • SPF = Single-Precision FLOPS
  • DPF = Double-Precision FLOPS
  • 24I = 24-bit Integer IOPS
  • 32I = 32-bit Integer IOPS
  • 64I = 64-bit Integer IOPS
  • A2 = AES-256
  • S1H = SHA-1 Hash
  • SPJ = Single-Precision Julia
  • DPM = Double-Precision Mandel

Example: AIDA64 /SELGGBENCH MR,CS3,FM c:\aida64\ggbenchmarks.xml

Available in the following products:
AIDA64 Business
AIDA64 Engineer
AIDA64 Network Audit

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