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On this page below you can find the list of IID values used on the Devices / Printers page.  The values are indicated both in decimal and hexadecimal (marked with "h").


  • 1025 (0401h): Printer Name
  • 1026 (0402h): Default Printer
  • 1027 (0403h): Share Point
  • 1028 (0404h): Printer Port
  • 1029 (0405h): Printer Driver
  • 1030 (0406h): Device Name
  • 1031 (0407h): Comment
  • 1032 (0408h): Location
  • 1033 (0409h): Print Processor
  • 1034 (040Ah): Separator Page
  • 1035 (040Bh): Availability
  • 1036 (040Ch): Priority
  • 1037 (040Dh): Print Jobs Queued
  • 1038 (040Eh): Status
  • 1039 (040Fh): Paper Size
  • 1040 (0410h): Orientation
  • 1041 (0411h): Print Quality
  • 1042 (0412h): Company Name
  • 1043 (0413h): Product Information
  • 1044 (0414h): Driver Update
Available in the following products:
AIDA64 Business

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