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Press Materials

Press Materials

On this page you can always download the latest press materials, including our company logos, product boxes and other graphics. If you create an article or news about our software, please always use the following images. Also if you are an affiliate or partner of us, you can find everything you need to publish or promote AIDA64 on your website, newsletter or social media. Please do not edit or change the images below without our consent.


Company logos

FinalWireAIDA64 darkAIDA64 light

Product icons

ExtremeEngineerBusinessNetwork Audit

Product boxes

AIDA64 ExtremeAIDA64 EngineerAIDA64 BusinessAIDA64 Network Audit
Extreme BoxEngineer BoxBusiness BoxNetwork Audit Box

Product Banners

Extreme bannerEngineer banner
Business bannerNetwork Audit banner

Product update

Latest press release: Download AIDA64 7.60 Press Release

Press Kit ZIP

You can download all images in a single ZIP file here: Download AIDA64 PressKit

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