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Download AIDA64 Extreme (beta)

Version: 6.88.6426 beta (Jun 05, 2023)

MD5: b2d9c41c8f4653d31920ba6a673bc3b0

Release notes:

  • identification of Intel Atom C1100 Series (aka Arizona Beach)
  • motherboard specific sensor info for Asus EX-B760M-V5, EX-B760M-V5-CSM, Prime B760M-A, Prime B760M-A-CSM, Prime B760M-K, Prime B760M-K-CSM, Prime H510M-A R2.0, Prime H510M-A R2.0-CSM, Prime H510M-E R2.0, Prime H510M-E R2.0-CSM, Prime N100I-D D4
  • non-SPD SMBus access is now disabled on Dell Vostro 3590
  • fixed: motherboard specific sensor info for MSI MS-7E11, 7E13, 7E25, 7E29

There is a newer version available of the selected package. Please follow the link below to download it.
Download AIDA64 Extreme (7.60.7311 beta)

How to install

AIDA64 beta updates are only available as ZIP packages. To perform upgrading to a new beta build, simply close AIDA64, download the ZIP package file, open the ZIP file and extract all its content into the existing installation folder of AIDA64. Let it overwrite any existing files. Please note that the upgrade process will retain both your previous settings and license.

When you have a valid license entered into AIDA64, you can also use the automatic update facility to upgrade to beta builds by setting AIDA64 / main menu / File / Preferences / General / NetUpdate / Update type to Stable and beta updates


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Not sure which AIDA64 is suitable for you?

We've created different AIDA64 editions for different needs. While AIDA64 Extreme fits perfectly into a home environment with all the important features a PC enthusiast would need, it hasn't been designed to perform a detailed audit of a corporate network with hundreds of computers. Click on the button below to compare all AIDA64 versions and find the one that best suits your needs.

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