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Here you find our latest stable and beta versions. You can try all AIDA64 editions for free.

Download AIDA64 Business

You can request a 30-day trial version by filling the form below. We will send you the download link to AIDA64 Business 4.60.3100 in e-mail. 


Release notes:

  • Support for new LCD and VFD devices: Abacom (ExpertProfi), AlphaCool, Digital Devices, LCD2USB, Mad Catz Venom, Matrix Orbital LK, Matrix Orbital GLK, Matrix Orbital GX, nMedia Pro-LCD, Pertelian X2040, SDC Megtron, SoundGraph iMon VFD, VL System LIS, VL System LIS 2
  • Advanced support for monochrome LCDs
  • SMTP SSL support
  • Improved handling of XSL files
  • OpenGL ES 3.1 support
  • Revamped Direct3D Compute Shader devices enumeration
  • Plextor M6M, Plextor M6S, Samsung 845DC Evo, Samsung 850 Pro SSD support
  • GPU details for Mobile AMD Radeon R9 Series, FirePro W8100
  • GPU details for nVIDIA GeForce GT 730, Quadro K2200M


Download Request

If you have already purchased AIDA64, you can download the software by entering your product key. Once you enter your product key, you can proceed with downloading the selected product.


If you would like to try AIDA64, you can request a trial download link by filling out a form. You will receive your trial download link via email, which will be valid for two days. If you miss downloading the software within two days, you will need to fill out the form again.

Please make sure to enter a valid email address so that you can receive your download link.


Please enter your product key above.
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Not sure which AIDA64 is suitable for you?

We've created different AIDA64 editions for different needs. While AIDA64 Extreme fits perfectly into a home environment with all the important features a PC enthusiast would need, it hasn't been designed to perform a detailed audit of a corporate network with hundreds of computers. Click on the button below to compare all AIDA64 versions and find the one that best suits your needs.

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